
Safety Policy Statement

BakosNDT has made a commitment to make safety our number one priority. Our goal is an incident free work environment. We will strive to be an environmentally aware and conscientious company. We will endeavour to protect the physical, psychological, and social well-being of our employees, sub-contractors, and consultants. We will make every effort to keep the public free from harm in or around any of our job sites. Through our use of the Company Safety Manual and the participation of all employees we believe we can achieve these goals.

BakosNDT will continually maintain the highest degree of safety practices through education, training, and documentation. Our Safety Manual is intended for the use of all employees, sub-contractors, and consultants to better their awareness of Health and Safety, and aid in implementing safety on every job.

Management is committed to participating in the Company Safety Program and encouraging all employees to do the same. Management will provide equipment, policies, procedures, training, and personal protective equipment to all employees. Employees are responsible for following all polices, procedures, and provincial OH&S legislation. Employees must be committed to working safely and improving the BakosNDT safety culture whenever possible. All supervisors are responsible for ensuring all relevant rules and regulations are adhered to by all company personnel under their authority. Supervisors are responsible for providing a safe work environment, upholding good work habits, and leading by example.

BakosNDT will continuously upgrade and update the safety policies and procedures in direct relation to new innovations, technologies, OH&S regulations, and demands of the industry. Management is committed to effectively communicating all updates of the Safety Program to employees, sub-contractors, and consultants. BakosNDT will provide quality and professional work, in a safe manner, to all our clients and customers.

Zero Tolerance to injury and incidents is our policy. This will be achieved by leadership, management, and employees participating and working together towards our common safety goal.